Categoría: Training

17/02/2021 - Training
Biologists discussing ethics
If you thought that biologists can only talk about zebrafish and mice, you are mistaken! Together with PhD students of our sister network EpiSystem, we followed an ethics course to talk about current ethics issues in biology and beyond. This course was led by Luca Marelli, adjunct professor of bioethics at the University of Milan […]

21/02/2020 - Training
Transdisciplinary Science Communication
During a couple of days, 19th -21st February 2020, a challenge was posed to all ChromDesign researchers to leave the labs aside and embrace a new way to communicate science from a Transdisciplinary perspective. Be designers, tinkerers, and even artists to develop new skills to communicate science that will be handy for many years! For […]

15/09/2019 - Project Meeting
A hygge kick-off for the Chromdesigners in Copenhagen
It was finally gonna happen! After 6 months of me being called ‘ESR4’, I was looking forward to the Kick-off to understand what it really meant to be an Early Stage Researcher. I was excited to get to know my fellow Chromdesigners, however quite nervous at the same time, wondering if I would fit in. […]