Science and Design
Elisava - School of Design and Engineering
About Francesc
He graduated in design from Eina School and combines his professional career in a brand visual identity consultancy with teaching and research activity.
Within the professional field, he has more than 25 years of experience in the consultancy of graphic design in services and great consumption fields. Within the academic field, he has been a professor in several schools. He is currently the Head of the Graphic Area, a professor in the Degree in Design, and in the Master in Packaging Design at ELISAVA. Within the research field, he earned a Ph.D. at Southampton University with a Thesis that evaluates the mimetic behaviors of products, companies, and institutions’ corporate visual identity.
ELISAVA Research is the platform for the generation of knowledge and debate around technological and social innovation through design, creating sustainable, ethical and wellbeing development opportunities.
ELISAVA Research identity revolves around these key aspects:
· A Design Research Lab and a Futures Research Lab from where the solutions to important and future design, societal and business challenges are investigated, ideated, prototyped and communicated.
· A platform that questions and proposes, by using research through design and futures research methodologies, new solutions to societal and technological challenges; and by using the scientific method, the theory, methodology and practise related to design.
· An emerging and agile transdisciplinary research articulated around six knowledge areas (human, communication, materials, technology, society, and theory & methodology) that act as a modular system through which different research lines or projects can be generated.
· A vibrant community of researchers whose goal is to transfer value to society through innovation and talent.
· A knowledge network acting at international level that involves different strategic agents.
An actionable knowledge and applied university research that resolves the new paradigms of the current industry, and that considers research as an intrinsic part of the learning experience.