See all posts21/02/2020 - Training
Transdisciplinary Science Communication
During a couple of days, 19th -21st February 2020, a challenge was posed to all ChromDesign researchers to leave the labs aside and embrace a new way to communicate science from a Transdisciplinary perspective. Be designers, tinkerers, and even artists to develop new skills to communicate science that will be handy for many years!
For three days, at ELISAVA, there were many activities and sessions prepared to bring sci-comm to another level! I, Carla, together with many professionals coming from different backgrounds, had prepared so many things to keep everyone busy while learning a lot.

Transdisciplinary Science Communication Training Schedule including sessions’ descriptions. Carla Molins Pitarch (ESR5).ELISAVA
Curious to see what was all this about? Let’s see what happened during these days (which was A LOT!) through these tweets summary. Each tweet shows an activity and some pics.

Day 1 was indeed a statement. As an organizer, I could feel a lot of excitement, curiosity, and even some uncertainty for was yet to come!.

Day 2 was quite intense, even overwhelming at some points. So many new things were introduced, but luckily there was a way to apply many of them and get a nice takeaway after the training. Let’s see Day 3.

Day 3 ended with all participants, including myself, recording two videos explaining what our research is about for both experts in our fields and everyone else. Be tuned; we’ll be presenting these videos very soon!.
(Closing) All in all, these sessions were a challenge for everyone and, at the same time, were so well received. The involvement of all my peers made it a pretty magical experience which was rewarding in many ways. If I were to prepare these sessions again, I might dedicate a week instead of three days if possible, to let some more free time to chat and discuss about all of these new methodologies.
We had some time the week after to discuss all together some pluses and deltas for future events which was very enriching and constructive.
I’d like to close with a testimonial from Pia which to be honest made my day:
I learnt that day that you can easily interest people in almost anything if you make it a game. It was a great way to break the ice, and then the people I interacted with showed great interest, and there were many follow-up questions. So make it a game and make it fun is the take-home message.